Radiation Tolerance Assurance Radiation Monitoring |
General |
The TS/LEA/RAD section hosts 2 CERN wide technical services. Radiation tolerance assurance of the LHC baseline design aims at controlling the risk of radiation induced equipment failures in the LHC. This activity encompasses imposing radiation constraints on equipment designs and their integration in the underground areas and the design and integration of radiation shielding. The RADMON radiation monitoring project aims at measuring the radiation levels at the location of equipment in the LHC tunnel, relating the spatio-temporal distribution of radiation in the LHC underground are to the operational mode and providing an early warning to the equipment groups as radiation levels start to rise.
Contacts |
Christian Pignard RADMON Hardware |
Karol Cwalina RADMON Software |
David McFarlane RADMON Installation |
Thijs Wijnands (PL) RADMON Physics |